
Makes one smoothie

1/2 cup of filtered water
1/2 cup of almond milk
1/2 a banana
1/2 to 1 cup of spinach
1 teaspoon of chia seeds
1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses* (see notes below)
1 tablespoon of Bestow Beauty Plus Oil
1 tablespoon of Bestow Vitality
1 teaspoon of Bestow Gut Love + (After completing the Bestow Cleanse slowly build this up to 1 tablespoon)

Chia and cacao nibs (optional)

Blend well, pour into a glass and add toppings of choice!


* Blackstrap molasses is a surprisingly nutrient dense superfood.  It is very rich in iron, calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, selenium and small amounts of zinc and phosphorus.  Adding this to your smoothie will help you reach your RDI of these important nutrients that you may struggle to otherwise meet.

YOUR RDI Hero Snack

Your Bestow Skin Essentials Smoothie gifts your body a significant contribution towards the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of many important nutrients. (See list below). For example, you get close to half your daily fibre needs and 60% of your vitamin A from this one smoothie.  It also gives the body a good dose of calcium which is otherwise hard to get. This is done through the molasses and almond milk, both of which have high levels of calcium. Not bad for an afternoon snack!

We have set the Bestow Smoothie Ritual as an afternoon snack to avoid a blood-sugar dip. However you can choose to have it any time of day, depending on when you feel your body most needs the boost. Another option is to include this with your breakfast or another meal of choice during the day if you prefer.

RDI’s % of Key Nutrients Supplied
in Bestow Skin Essentials Smoothie

*Please note that the Bestow Skin Essentials Smoothie contains OVER 100% of these 3 nutrients.

To learn more about RDI’s and the importance of these micro-nutrients
for avoiding disease and enjoying optimum health download the PDF below: