

2 serves

Tuscan Soup (Vegetarian/Vegan)
2 cups of Homemade Stock
½ 400 gram tin of chopped organic tomatoes
1 400 gram tin of cannellini beans, drained
½ a lemon, juiced
1 cup of cabbage, shredded (approx. an eighth of a cabbage)
1 cup of fresh spinach leaves
2 tablespoons of parsley, roughly chopped

For Chicken Tuscan Soup
Add 1 cup of cooked chicken, shredded (set aside from the Homemade Stock)

To Serve
2 tablespoons spring onions, sliced
Himalayan salt and cracked black pepper to taste

Suitable for:
Lunch | Dinner


In a saucepan place the stock, tomatoes and half of the cannellini beans. Blitz the rest of the beans with a stick blender, adding some soup liquid if needed to blend more easily. Stir the bean paste into the soup – this is to thicken the soup a little. Add lemon juice, salt and pepper and bring to a simmer.

For the Vegetarian/Vegan option – add the cabbage and spinach and simmer for another few minutes to soften.

For the Chicken option – add the cabbage, spinach and shredded chicken and simmer for another few minutes.

Remove from the heat. Place half in a bowl for dinner and the other half in the fridge for lunch tomorrow. Serve with the chopped parsley, spring onion and season to taste.


This winter soup is so comforting and easy to make. Store-bought soups can be filled with unhealthy oils and can be high in sodium and even sugar, believe it or not! Making your own soup from scratch is rewarding – not only does it taste better, but you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are fueling your body with key nutrients it needs for skin health and repair. 

If you are making the vegetarian/vegan version of this soup add extra white beans to increase the amount of protein if desired. Add in more veggies too for additional colour and flavour. Get creative!

One Response

  1. This recipe has become a family favourite, lunch todsy for family visiting , quick and easy to do and so tasty ,love it, Shelley Foster

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