

1 leek, top half + end of stalk
½ a bunch of celery, leafy top and stems, chopped into large chunks
1 onion, skin on, halved
1 carrot, sliced in half
3 cloves of garlic, slightly crushed, skin on is fine
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon of peppercorns
1 tablespoon of himalayan salt
2 cms of fresh ginger
1 good handful of parsley, including stalks
6 cups of water
Any veggie off cuts or ends (sweet potato, broccoli stalks, cabbage hearts etc)
½ a free range organic chicken (optional)

Suitable for:
Lunch | Dinner


Place all the ingredients in the slow cooker first thing in the morning. Put in half a free range chicken if you are making chicken stock. Cook on low for 6 hours.

Once cooked pass the stock through a large sieve into a bowl.

If you are making chicken stock, remove the flesh from the bones and place in a sealed container in the fridge for using in the Tuscan Soup dinner on day 1.

With your stock liquid keep two cups in the fridge for the Tuscan Soup dinner on Day 1 and freeze 2 cups  for the Slow Cooker Moroccan dinner on day 6. Freeze the remaining stock for use after the cleanse.


Homemade stock is so easy and is a great way to reduce food waste. We love to save the ends of veggies we are using, placing them in a ziplock bag in the freezer. When the bag is full just take it out of the freezer and you have the base of a tasty veggie stock without the sodium and preservatives found in so many store-bought versions.  It is also so satisfying to use stock you have made from scratch.  

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