Meet the Bestow Cleanse team

Janine Tait
is a holistic skin-health coach and educator, a pioneer of the wellness trend in beauty therapy, the founder of Bestow Beauty and New Zealand’s leading dermo-nutritionist. She brings skin-nutrition and skin-healing expertise to the table.

Sheryl Nicholson
is a talented food-guru, cancer-survivor and the recipe developer and creative genius behind the Bestow Recipe Books. She brings the beautifully designed Bestow Cleanse recipes, meal plans and shopping guides to the table.

Jenny Barrow
is a respected holistic skin-health coach who lives and breathes well-being. Her own skin transformation journey and dedication to living a slow and simple life is truly inspirational. She brings wellness wisdom and skincare savvy to the table.

What is happening in your body today?
Janine Tait | Dermo-nutritionist, Bestow Beauty Founder
You may feel hungry today. When we move towards a whole food way of eating and reduce processed foods, it can take our bodies a while to adjust. Remind yourself that this is a very nutrient-rich cleanse so your body is getting everything it needs to function well. If you do experience hunger pains, this is actually a good thing! We should feel hungry before we eat because this is the time when your body releases a hormone called ghrelin. Ghrelin is responsible for the sensation of hunger and it therefore stimulates our appetite. But ghrelin does much more than that. Ghrelin regulates nutrient storage, activates several anti-inflammatory pathways and promotes cell regeneration and healing, especially in your gut. So, when you are feeling hungry think of all the wonderful things ghrelin is doing for you. While you ponder this, sip a cup of Bestow Eternitea. The cinnamon in this tea helps to stabilise your blood sugar which will lessen the intensity of the hunger waves.

How are you feeling today?
Jenny Barrow | Holistic Skin Health Coach
Hopefully you are feeling proud of yourself for beginning this cleanse! On this first day you may experience some cleansing symptoms or you may feel totally fine. If today is your first day without coffee you might begin to experience caffeine withdrawals. Keep up your fluids, and go for a gentle walk and breathe in the fresh air. It is important to take time today (especially if you are feeling withdrawal symptoms) to invest in your overall wellbeing. Going for a short walk or getting out in nature, even if it is just for 5 minutes, does wonders for the soul.

From the Bestow Kitchen
Sheryl Nicholson | Recipe Developer, Food Photographer
My Favourite Recipe Today: Chicken and Pineapple Skewers – A perfect summery dish with tasty, fresh flavours.
Tip of the day: Marinating the chicken in a snaplock bag is an easy way of ensuring the chicken is covered in the marinade evenly. It easily seals and stores in the fridge without any risk of making a mess.

What is happening in your body today?
Janine Tait | Dermo-nutritionist, Bestow Beauty Founder
If you haven’t done a Pre-Cleanse to reduce some of the more addictive things in your diet, then you are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms as your body adjusts to living without caffeine, alcohol and processed foods. These symptoms can include fatigue, headaches, as well as aches and pains in various parts of the body. The type and level of degree that symptoms are experienced is variable and some people may not experience any at all. However, most people experience symptoms anywhere from Day 2 through to Day 4.
There are no short cuts to getting rid of these symptoms and you just need to get through it – but rest assured, they will pass! If you find the effects too taxing then be sure to take some time off to rest and drink a cup of herbal tea (either hot or cold). Bestow Luminositea organic herbal tea is going to support your liver detox and contains a small amount of caffeine from green and white tea, giving you are natural ‘pick me up’. Your body is working hard so be kind to it and rest when you need to. Also, remember to drink lots of water and head outside for a walk to enjoy a good dose of nature, fresh air and Vitamin D.

How are you feeling today?
Jenny Barrow | Holistic Skin Health Coach
The high of beginning something new may begin to wear off as reality sets in. This is where your courage and dedication kicks in! Resolve to be both gentle with yourself, and positive. Take some time to sit with what you are feeling and just let it be. Today, when you have your Bestow Skin Essentials Smoothie that fills your body with goodness, choose to fill your mind and soul with goodness too. Ponder the quote of the day or another saying that is meaningful to you. Fill your mind with images of people and places you love. Being mindful of those things you are grateful for is a great tank filler.

From the Bestow Kitchen
Sheryl Nicholson | Recipe Developer, Food Photographer
My Favourite Recipe Today: Pineapple Salsa – it’s light, fresh and tangy.
Tip of the day: There’s nothing like fresh, pan fried snapper! I always make sure the pan with your oil is up to a medium-high temperature so that when you add the fish it sizzles and browns nicely as it cooks.
– Mariel Hemingway

What is happening in your body today?
Janine Tait | Dermo-nutritionist, Bestow Beauty Founder
By now, the cleanse will be powerfully supporting your body’s self-cleaning processes and you may experience a cleansing reaction. This occurs when the body releases toxins or wastes faster than it can eliminate them. Examples of cleansing reactions may be headaches or stomach aches (as a results or salt, sugar, caffeine or alcohol withdrawal), bad breath, sweating, tiredness or exhaustion, changes in sleeping patterns or a feeling of light-headedness.
You may also experience changes in your digestion and bowel habits as the cleanse fibre levels are generally much higher than the average Western diet. This can result in either constipation or loose bowels. If you have become constipated, it is a sign that your diet wasn’t providing you with as much fibre as you needed for optimum health. As uncomfortable as it is, this is yet another sign of your body adjusting. Try going to the toilet after a meal when the stomach is full and your bowel more likely to move.

How are you feeling today?
Jenny Barrow | Holistic Skin Health Coach
Hang in there! When our bodies are working hard to adjust to a new way of being our mental and emotional states are adjusting too. Be gently aware today of the thoughts going through your mind and what affect they are having on your mindset. With today likely to be the toughest day physically, it is important to be positive. Remind yourself why you are doing this. Imagine how good you are going to feel on the other side of this pain. Playing music you love (with uplifting lyrics!) is a great way to subconsciously keep your mind on track. Remember, the darkest hour is just before dawn, so focus your imagination and emotional energy towards the dawn and the new day coming.

From the Bestow Kitchen
Sheryl Nicholson | Recipe Developer, Food Photographer
My Favourite Recipe Today: Buckwheat Granola – fun to make and it smells so good when it’s cooking!
Tip of the day: The falafels are nice and easy to make and also freeze well. Make extra and freeze for lunch or dinner after your cleanse.

What is happening in your body today?
Janine Tait | Dermo-nutritionist, Bestow Beauty Founder
Hopefully by today you are at the tail-end of your withdrawal symptoms. Your body should be adjusting to its new normal without coffee, alcohol and processed foods. You are over half way through your cleanse and your body should begin to settle into a new rhythm. By now your liver should feel well supported and be removing toxins each night – usually between 10pm and 2am – hence the importance of getting to bed before 10pm.
It is easy to imagine that you are cleaning your liver out. However, as you’ll recall, the liver is not a sponge soaking up toxins, but a filter, processing the waste your body doesn’t need. The liver is a very greedy organ, requiring many different nutrients to do its job, but our modern nutrient-poor diets mean the liver often doesn’t have the nutritional resources it needs to do its job. Part of the reason why this cleanse is so effective is that is provides you with the nutrients your liver needs to do its job well, clearing out the backlog of toxins that may have built up in your body.

How are you feeling today?
Jenny Barrow | Holistic Skin Health Coach
Over half way! This may be just the boost you need today. By now, you are probably feeling better physically, and you may be beginning to feel clearer mentally. Really take your time to enjoy the Dry Bushing Bath-time Ritual today. Not only will this stimulate your lymphatic drainage and encourage the detoxification process, but a relaxing bath offers you a chance to pause and reward yourself for all the hard work you have done so far. Take this moment to be kind to yourself and to celebrate the well-being journey you are on. There are still three days to go and it is important to embrace the new soul-care and self-care rituals we will be introducing daily. This marks the beginning of the second half of the cleanse. You are doing so well!

From the Bestow Kitchen
Sheryl Nicholson | Recipe Developer, Food Photographer
My Favourite Recipe Today: Sweet Potato Rostis – I soooo love these, they’ve become a staple for me!
Tip of the day: Make a big batch of the Rostis and freeze for easy, tasty lunch or dinner wraps.

What is happening in your body today?
Janine Tait | Dermo-nutritionist, Bestow Beauty Founder
Unless your body has a lot of excess toxins and wastes to process, by today you should start to feel lighter and more energised. This means the cleanse has moved into a fine-tuning stage. This stage is all about increasing your wellbeing and rejuvenating your body. With less toxins to process, the nutrients that your body is receiving will be well utilised and there may now be enough nutrients to reach your skin which is the last organ of the body to receive the nutrients it needs. It gets what is left over after all the organs have taken their share, which is why you need an abundance of nutrients in your diet for beautiful skin. You may notice your skin beginning to look clearer and healthier over the next few days.
Your digestive system should start to regulate itself as you get used to the high fibre intake. At this point you will be having a very high fibre diet which will support your digestive health and feed the good bacteria populations in your gut. If your bowel still hasn’t moved, make sure you have a hot drink today. This stimulates the vegus nerve which can in turn encourage the bowel to move.

How are you feeling today?
Jenny Barrow | Holistic Skin Health Coach
Today should be about gaining confidence in the changes you are making and enjoying the responses you are seeing in your body, mind and soul. Be encouraged that even if you don’t see physical changes, you are fueling your body with everything it needs and the results will become visible in time. The same wisdom applies to our inner selves. You may notice you have a more settled mental and emotional state and feel more alert. Again, changes aren’t always immediate but know that continuing to be kind and to invest time in yourself is all part of the journey of improving your mental and emotional wellbeing. The Bestow Blessings Ritual, introduced today, is a beautiful way to learn how to train your mind to notice and be grateful for the myriad of gifts that exist in your ordinary life.

From the Bestow Kitchen
Sheryl Nicholson | Recipe Developer, Food Photographer
My Favourite Recipe Today: Rosti and Smashed Avo – These are great made ahead and/or frozen for breakfast on the go.
Tip of the day: The Apple Slaw with Chicken and Avocado is a great way of using up leftovers in the fridge and very little prep or cooking time is involved. You can serve it over rice or another grain of your choice.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend.
– Melody Beattie

What is happening in your body today?
Janine Tait | Dermo-nutritionist, Bestow Beauty Founder
You may notice you are sleeping better and, if you are going to bed earlier, you may be waking earlier than usual as your body adjusts to a natural circadian rhythm. Your stomach may also be flatter and feel less bloated. You may also find you have great mental clarity and more emotional stability. These changes can happen more slowly for others so don’t be discouraged if you haven’t noticed them yet.

How are you feeling today?
Jenny Barrow | Holistic Skin Health Coach
You might be feeling a bit excited that there is only one day to go! This is an accomplishment, but keep in mind that although the cleanse is officially only seven days long, the beautiful changes and rituals you have embraced can be carried forward into your everyday life. This new way of living can become your new normal, resulting in beautiful skin and general wellbeing. Keep focused today by reflecting on the journey so far. Remember your motivation at the beginning, your perseverance in the middle, the satisfaction of enjoying the results, and of course, beginning to think about how you will continue this well-being journey beyond the cleanse.

From the Bestow Kitchen
Sheryl Nicholson | Recipe Developer, Food Photographer
My Favourite Recipe Today: The Goodness Lunch Bowl, I love the vibrancy of this one – eating the rainbow 🙂
Tip of the day: Use a mandolin to shred your veges, you can buy a simple smaller hand held one or you can buy larger hand held ones that will also shred or ribbon vegetables and will also easily shred cabbage.
Happiness cannot be travelled to,
owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living
every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
– Denis Waitley

What is happening in your body today?
Janine Tait | Dermo-nutritionist, Bestow Beauty Founder
This cleanse is a way of life you can continue, so begin to ask yourself: What if instead of being addicted to coffee, alcohol and processed foods I became addicted to feeling good and having more energy?
By now your liver will be working more efficiently, happily filtering toxins daily. Your body should be receiving good levels of the nutrients that make us look and feel great. Your gut bacteria will be well supported with all the fibre and fermented foods you have consumed. All of this is not only important for your health but also your skin.
Your Bestow Skin Essentials Smoothie plays a big part in ensuring you receive all of the nutrients your body and skin require. I would encourage you to continue this ritual as you continue on your journey to glowing skin.

How are you feeling today?
Jenny Barrow | Holistic Skin Health Coach
Congratulations, you have done it! Make sure you take time today to celebrate your dedication to completing the cleanse, even when it got tough. Take joy from the fact that you have not only provided your body with a huge nutrient boost, but also given space for your mind and soul to be replenished. Those times you set aside for wellbeing and soul-care are vital. Remember, as you go forward that this way of living can become your new normal. Check out the Beyond the Cleanse tab for tips, resources and advice. Let what you have learned become the foundation for the next chapter of your wellbeing journey. Move forward empowered with knowledge and rituals to treat your full self, body, mind and soul with kindness and love. You deserve it!

From the Bestow Kitchen
Sheryl Nicholson | Recipe Developer, Food Photographer
My Favourite Recipe Today: Actually all of today is my favourite, the Egg Cups are a regular breakfast for me and the Roast Veggie Power Salad with Smoked Salmon is a great way to use any root vegetables or leftover that you have in the fridge.
Tip of the day: The best thing about this is that you can use whatever vegetables you have that are good for roasting, beetroot, carrot, sweet potato, zucchini.