
A beautiful, daily time-out ritual
for skincare and self-care.

Bestow Organic Herbal Teas provide hydrating nutrition for beautiful skin. 

Our beautiful organic, loose-leaf herbal teas are the therapeutic alternative to coffee and black tea.  While caffeine stresses and depletes your body, Bestow Organic Herbal Teas provide hydrating nutrition to support healthy, luminous, youthful skin. During your cleanse week we invite you to embrace the skincare benefits of these nutrient-rich teas, and the wellness benefit of turning a simple tea-break into a self-care ritual.

What makes a tea-break more than a tea-break?

Intention! A tea on the run only offers you one-half of the benefits. We invite you to embrace the Bestow ‘Time for Me’ Tea Ritual as a way of building a mini-retreat into your busy day. This relaxing ritual helps you to introduce a healthy self-care rhythm which is so important in pursuing a life of wellbeing and wholeness.


Put the kettle on.
 * Select a beautiful tea-cup to enjoy your tea in.
 * Steep your chosen Bestow Organic Herbal Tea in boiling water.
 * While you wait for your tea to steep, take 5-10 slow, deep breaths. Put your hands on your belly and feel it rise and fall as you breathe all the way down.
 * Sit quietly and sip your tea slowly, savouring this moment of blissful pause.


Each day of the Bestow Cleanse you will embrace the ‘Time for Tea, Time for Me’ ritual using one of the the three Bestow Organic Herbal Tea samples provided in your Bestow Cleanse pack. We recommend you have your tea-break at morning tea time, but you are free to select an alternative time that works better for you.

Eternitea | Your Anti-Ageing Tea

This 100% organic hibiscus and cinnamon tea has a pretty pink colour and tangy flavour.  Hibiscus is rich in anti-oxidants which helps combat the ageing effects of free radicals on your skin. Cinnamon helps to stabilise blood sugar, so enjoy a cup of Eternitea this morning when you might feel a little hungry as your body adjusts to this new way of eating.

Puritea | Brighten Your Day

Brighten your morning with this joyful, yellow tea featuring 100% organic turmeric, ginger, lemongrass and cinnamon. Turmeric aids your liver’s natural purification processes while ginger helps regulate your blood sugar levels. This is the perfect little pick-me-up tea for half way through your cleanse.

Generositea | Bestow Sisterhood Tea

This lemongrass, peppermint and hibiscus herbal tea has a beautiful rose colour and gentle flavour. It is the fundraising tea for The Bestow Sisterhood, a collective of skincare therapists and clinics throughout New Zealand and Australia who are providing a brighter future for vulnerable girls in rural Cambodia. Your tea ritual this morning connects you with an amazing community of women who are affecting genuine change in the world. READ MORE.

Eternitea | Your Anti-Ageing Tea

This 100% organic hibiscus and cinnamon tea has a pretty pink colour and tangy flavour.  Hibiscus is rich in anti-oxidants which helps combat the ageing effects of free radicals on your skin. Cinnamon helps to stabilise blood sugar, which curb your cravings and also prevents collagen from breaking down. Stable blood sugar equals healthy collagen!

Generositea | Bestow Sisterhood Tea

This lemongrass, peppermint and hibiscus herbal tea has a beautiful rose colour and gentle flavour. It is the fundraising tea for The Bestow Sisterhood, a collective of skincare therapists and clinics throughout New Zealand and Australia who are providing a brighter future for vulnerable girls in rural Cambodia. Your tea ritual this morning connects you with an amazing community of women who are affecting genuine change in the world. READ MORE.

Eternitea | Your Anti-Ageing Tea

This 100% organic hibiscus and cinnamon tea has a pretty pink colour and tangy flavour.  Hibiscus is rich in anti-oxidants which helps combat the ageing effects of free radicals on your skin. Cinnamon helps to stabilise blood sugar, which curb your cravings and also prevents collagen from breaking down. Stable blood sugar equals healthy collagen!

Puritea | Brighten Your Day

Brighten your morning with this joyful, yellow tea featuring 100% organic turmeric, ginger, lemongrass and cinnamon. Turmeric aids your liver’s natural purification processes while ginger helps regulate your blood sugar levels. This is the perfect little pick-me-up tea for half way through your cleanse.

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