A daily ritual to awaken and enliven your body upon rising. THE RITUAL - Part One MEETING THE MORNING When you wake, open your curtains and let in the natural light. Better yet, walk outside and turn your face towards the sun (or dawn light) while you take a few gentle, deep breaths. This inhibits the [...]
A daily soul-care ritual for improving stress resilience and enhancing wellbeing. Meditation is a soul-care ritual that greatly enhances our overall health and well-being. There has been a huge surge of interest in ancient wisdom practices like meditation and mindfulness in recent decades. Perhaps this is a reflection of our collective need to find anchoring [...]
A relaxing and detoxifying skincare and self-care ritual Dry-Brushing Did you know that your skin is one of the body’s key elimination organs? Dry brushing is a simple ritual that enhances the detoxification process. Many water-soluble wastes from our bodies can be eliminated through perspiration. Dry-brushing improves the efficiency of this process on the surface [...]
A beautiful, daily time-out ritual for skincare and self-care. Bestow Organic Herbal Teas provide hydrating nutrition for beautiful skin. Our beautiful organic, loose-leaf herbal teas are the therapeutic alternative to coffee and black tea. While caffeine stresses and depletes your body, Bestow Organic Herbal Teas provide hydrating nutrition to support healthy, luminous, youthful skin. During [...]
A daily wellbeing ritual for leading your body into 'Rest and Repair' mode. Stress is an unavoidable part of our lives, however it is within our power to support our wellbeing by improving our stress resilience. Today, we’d like to introduce you to a simple wellbeing ritual that makes building stress resilience into your life [...]
A daily ritual to nourish your skin from within Bestow Smoothies are the perfect way to sustain your energy and to get your daily dose of Bestow products, which offer your body a veritable feast of the nutrients required for beautiful skin. Your 7-Day Meal Plan, includes a daily Bestow Smoothie (see below) as an [...]
Bestow rituals are beautiful daily habits that support your skin, health and wellbeing. Let’s be honest. It’s not the grand gestures or occasional spurts of self-care that count. It’s the wellbeing practices you do every daythat will really make a difference to your skin and health over your lifetime. During the cleanse you will learn how to embrace [...]
A daily gratitude ritual to open your awareness to the extraordinary blessings in your ordinary life. As we head into the second half of the cleanse, it’s time to pay attention to soul-care rituals that support our health and wellbeing from deep within. These rituals draw on the power of our mind-body-soul connection and can [...]